Afternoon Seminars – Andrew Lazo

2014 C.S. Lewis Summer Conference, July 21-31, 2014, Oxford & Cambridge, England

 Afternoon Seminars & Workshops

FC-04 C.S. Lewis 101: Life, Work, Influences, and Themes

Andrew Lazo

Interested in knowing more about C. S. Lewis?  Like what you’ve read of Lewis and want to know more?  Perhaps you feel a little intimidated surrounded by scholars, yet Lewis has made a profound difference in your life? Then come to these sessions that have you in mind. It is perfect for those beginning to explore Lewis’ books and thought as well as those looking to refresh their interest in this most compelling Christian author. Part biography, part booklist, part thematic exploration, Andrew Lazo will guide you through the essentials of Lewis’ life and writing, touching on the Inklings and other influences, major biographical events and books as well as they key themes such as joy, reason, imagination, faith, and story that guided Lewis’ life. These sessions will also include time for Q&A and promise to inform and delight folks with any level of interest in Lewis.

Andrew-Lazo-webAndrew Lazo – Speaker and writer on C.S. Lewis and his fellow Inklings. He speaks on C.S. Lewis at retreats, conferences, and seminars. Andrew has published several articles and book reviews on C.S. Lewis and other Inklings and co-edited Mere Christians: Inspiring Encounters with C.S. Lewis. Andrew currently teaches English and C. S. Lewis at Houston Christian High School in Houston. Andrew has also transcribed and edited a new book written by C.S. Lewis, the little-known “Early Prose Joy”, Lewis’s first spiritual autobiography.