Planned Giving & Other Ways to Give

There are several other ways to make a gift to the C.S. Lewis Foundation, including bequests, annuities, and property donations.

Please consult your financial advisor. We would be glad to assist you and your financial advisor with the details of reporting your gift. We appreciate your support.  Please direct any inquires you may have to us by contacting Mary Key, (909) 389-1155,, P.O. Box 8008, Redlands, CA 92375.

Charitable Gift Annuity

By giving a portion of your property or assets to the Foundation through a Charitable Gift Annuity, you will not only receive a fixed income for life and but also a charitable deduction for you gift.


Give a portion of your property or assets to the Foundation via a bequest in your will. The charitable tax deduction your family will receive makes a big difference and will support the Foundation in years to come.

Gifts of Real Estate

If you own property that is not subject to a mortgage and has appreciated in value, a charitable gift may be an attractive option. You can claim an income tax deduction based on the fair market value of the property, avoid all capital gains taxes and remove that asset from your taxable estate. Or you can transfer your home or farm to us now and continue to use the property for life. You will be entitled to an income tax deduction based on your age and the value of your property. Because of the complexities involved, we encourage you to contact us to discuss any gift of real estate.

Gifts from IRAs

Note: you should contact your tax advisor for details on whether legislation allowing these gifts is current..

Legislation for the last several years, has allowed individuals aged 701⁄2 or older to make outright gifts using IRA funds without tax complications. Contact your IRA administrator to have the funds transferred directly to us. While you will not pay income tax on the amount, you also cannot claim a charitable deduction.

You may contribute funds this way if:

  • The U.S. Congress has passed legislation extending this option.
  • You are 701⁄2 or older.
  • Gifts from an IRA total $100,000 or less this year.
  • The gifts are completed on or before Dec. 31, 2014.
  • You transfer funds directly from an IRA or Rollover IRA.

This provision excludes gifts made to charitable trusts, gift annuities, donor advised funds and supporting organizations.

Charitable Unitrust

When you transfer assets or property to a unitrust, the Foundation can then sell your property tax-free and give you a fixed income for life.

Sale & Unitrust

Similar to the Charitable Unitrust, a Sale & Unitrust requires you give a portion of your property to the Foundation in order to fund a unitrust. When the property sells, you will receive a fixed income for life.

Charitable Lead Trust

You can transfer your cash or property to a fund that makes a gift to the Foundation over several years. You will then receive a charitable tax deduction and your family will receive the remainder of the trust after the allotted time has passed.

Give it Twice Trust

Provide for your children by creating a Give it Twice Trust. A portion of the trust goes directly to your children upon your death, while the remainder of the trust benefits the Foundation in the future.

Gifts of Securities

The best stocks to donate are those that have increased in value. In order to preserve tax advantages, it is critical that you transfer the physical securities to us rather than the proceeds from a sale.

Appreciated securities. When you give publicly traded stocks held long term (owned for more than one year) to a charitable organization like us, you avoid all capital gains taxes. Also, you may take the full fair market value of the stock gift as a charitable deduction on your income taxes up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income, carrying forward any excess deduction for up to five additional years.

Depreciated securities. If you have stock losses, sell the stock yourself to realize the loss and take the allowable deduction for tax purposes. Then generate a charitable deduction by donating the cash proceeds of the sale to us.

Mutual funds. Donating mutual fund shares can provide the same tax advantages as a gift of appreciated stock. Because of the complexities involved in the transfer of mutual fund shares, however, we encourage you to begin the transfer process well before December 31.

Gifts of Life Insurance

You can make a gift using life insurance by naming us as either the owner of the policy or the beneficiary. If you make us owner of the policy, you can claim an income tax deduction for the amount equal to the lower of the fair market value or cost basis. In addition, if you

continue to pay premiums on a policy we own, you can deduct the premium payments.

Income-Producing Gifts

Life income gifts allow you to receive an income as a result of making a charitable gift. The income can be fixed or variable and can be for you or other beneficiaries you choose. For example, you might contribute money, stock or other property to fund a charitable remainder trust to pay you income for life.

Once the assets are placed in the trust, they can be sold (avoiding up-front capital gains tax) and the proceeds reinvested to produce a higher yield. Life income gifts entitle you to an immediate income tax deduction based on the present value of your future gift to us.