The conference has been going for two days now, and so far everything has been going wonderfully. We have taken many pictures, and our photographer–Lancia Smith–has done a phenomenal job. She has graciously allowed us to post a few of her pictures on the blog. Since the last update featured pictures of scenery, we’ll include […]
C.S. Lewis Summer Institute Begins Tomorrow!
Tomorrow the 2011 C.S. Lewis Summer Institute at Oxbridge begins! We’re very excited for the conference, and we’d like to share as much of it as possible with those of you who were not able to join us. Today, we’re putting up a few quick pictures taken of the city. In the future, look out […]
Just Two More Weeks Until Oxbridge!
The 2011 C.S. Lewis Summer Institute is approaching fast, with less than two weeks remaining until the program begins on the 26th of July. We’re excited to see everyone there! Once the program begins, we are seeking volunteers who would be willing to chronicle their experiences for publishing on this very blog. If you are […]
Terry Glaspey Interview about New C.S. Lewis Movie
Terry Glaspey, friend of the C.S. Lewis Foundation and frequent speaker at our Southwest Regional Retreats, was just featured in an interview with Darren Scott Jacobs concerning the upcoming film Jack’s Life: The C.S. Lewis Story. The movie was written by Louis Markos and Darren Scott Jacobs, and has been in production for some time now. […]
Easter at the Kilns
The following is excerpted from the blog “Ryan&JenGoToEngland.” Ryan, a grad student at Oxford, recounts his experiences visiting the Kilns and other places around England. Due to the length of the post, we’re copying the section on the Kilns here, but the rest of the blog can be read by following this link. “We arrived […]