FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE C.S. Lewis Foundation Purchases Historic “Green Pastures” Home in Northfield, MA Property to Serve as Home to C.S. Lewis Study Center and College Foundation NORTHFIELD, MA, September 18, 2013 – The C.S. Lewis Foundation has purchased the historic Green Pastures home in Northfield, Massachusetts. The site will house the C.S. Lewis Study
Announcing the Passing of Jean Bethke Elshtain
It is with great sorrow that we report the passing of our friend and former member of the C.S. Lewis College’s Council of Distinguished Fellows, Dr. Jean Bethke Elshtain. Announcements were recently published in The Atlantic and The Christian Post that beautifully describe her notable contributions to Christian scholarship, her dedication to teaching, and her
Power Outage Update
Update on the power situation. On Monday, May 20, a power transformer exploded near the Foundation’s office, and the entire block lost power around 3:00 pm. Edison responded and power was restored on Tuesday. However, the Verizon equipment (our internet and phone provider) was damaged as a result of the power surge from the explosion.
Announcing the Passing of Dallas Willard, A Good Friend and Advisor
It is with great sorrow that we report the passing of our dear friend and former member of our Board of Trustees, Dr. Dallas Willard. An announcement was published on Christianity Today‘s website earlier today that beautifully describes his significant contribution to scholarship, his humble personality, and his deep devotion to Christ. Dallas was a long-time
C.S. Lewis Summer Conference in San Diego
We recently sent out postcards concerning this year’s upcoming C.S. Lewis Foundation events. First of these will be the C.S. Lewis Summer Conference in San Diego. The theme of the conference is The Vision, Voice, and Vocation of C.S. Lewis, which is especially relevant this year, as it is the 50th anniversary of his passing