The Lion’s World

Rowan Willams, former Archbishop of Canterbury–and now Master of Magdalene, C.S.Lewis’s old college at Cambridge–has recently written a book about the Chronicles of Narnia, entitled The Lion’s World.  This is one of several books this year about Lewis, along with, among others, Alister McGrath’s C. S. Lewis – A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet.   Williams

Professor Alister McGrath’s Forthcoming Biography on C.S. Lewis

Alister McGrath has recently released a video introduction to his forthcoming biography of C.S. Lewis. Dr. Debbie Higgens hosted Alister McGrath’s filming of the video, which was shot at The C.S. Lewis Study Centre at “The Kilns.” McGrath’s biography of Lewis will be published in March 2013 to mark the 50th anniversary year of Lewis’ ongoing legacy.