Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The name of the day says it all. Each year, I try to send a special word of grace that expresses gratitude for the kindness of God as I have experienced it. I am sharing a true November story this time. It happened just before Thanksgiving when I was twelve.
A Word of Grace – November 16, 2015
Dear Friends, I have never made a catalogue of the greatest spiritual dangers, but if I did, the temptation to do something, anything, would be at the top of the list. Action is prized in a world filled with incessant messages to want more, do more, be more. “Just do it” is one of the
A Word of Grace – November 9, 2015
Dear Friends, My son drives me through the Illinois countryside. Yellow corn stubble speckles black earth fields. Beeches and maples are golden under a true blue and white sky. Geese and ducks dot the gray-green marshes. The hay is rolled and bagged in pastures emerald green even in November, just past harvest. Our west-coast acclimated
A Word of Grace – November 2, 2015
Dear Friends, This is part two of a two part message on discerning the will of God. I will share some practical guidance in this message, but my belief is that the only reliable path to the will of God is when we surrender to him and he takes over with his life becoming our
A Word of Grace – October 26, 2015
Dear Friends, Readers send me notes about their struggles to discern God’s will for their lives. “If I only knew what he wants me to do,” is a frequent plaint. That’s no surprise. Christian bookstores are packed with books and DVDs on how to know, how to overcome, how to accomplish, how to love, how