Dear Friends, There is a correction necessary to last week’s message (8/25/14). Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980, not 1982. . . . I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned for me, but had no opportunity to show it.
A Word of Grace – August 25, 2014
Dear Friends, This week’s message is a bit of a travelogue about a worship experience that I had late Thursday afternoon, July 3, near Astoria, Oregon. I hope it refreshes you during these hot days. Late afternoon sunlight floods over the Clatsop Spit. Everything is flowing at high tide. Five and six foot swells off
A Word of Grace – July 14, 2014
Dear Friends, This week’s message is a bit of a travelogue about a worship experience that I had late Thursday afternoon, July 3, near Astoria, Oregon. I hope it refreshes you during these hot days. Late afternoon sunlight floods over the Clatsop Spit. Everything is flowing at high tide. Five and six foot swells off
A Word of Grace – June 2, 2014
Dear Friends, The Apostle James writes, “The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” (Js 5:16). That matter-of-fact statement is our hope, but is it our belief? Here is a little story that explores that question. The dry, still air smells like fresh-laid kindling this warm May morning in inland Southern California. It hints
A Word of Grace – May 19, 2014
Dear Friends, So on the next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp, and they entered the audience hall with the military tribunes and the prominent men of the city. Then Festus gave the order and Paul was brought in (Acts 25:23). The Apostle Paul is taken into protective custody by the Roman Army.