Our good friend Andrew Lazo is slated to speak and teach at two upcoming events in April. We encourage you to attend. The first will be the 14th Annual C.S. Lewis and Inklings Studies Conference, held this year at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma on April 1-2. Andrew will be giving two plenary lectures, the topics of which are yet to be announced. The next is in Southern California on the weekend of April 29-30 He will be speaking on Friday evening, April 29 at St. Michael's By-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Carlsbad, CA, on the topic, "Faith & Fairy Tale: Practical Spirituality from the Chronicles of Narnia." He will also be giving a workshop at the church on the morning of the 30th, titled "Teaching C.S. Lewis: A Curricular Workshop."
Website Launch for 2011 Summer Institute at Oxbridge
July 26 — August 3, 2011 Paradigms of Hope: Transcending Chaos & Transforming Culture We’ve been receiving lots of questions about dates and pricing on our upcoming 2011 Summer Institute from many out there eager to register. Well, the wait is now over. Visit our Summer Institute pages to find out information on the conference
New Christianity Today Article by Brett McCracken
One of the C.S. Lewis Foundation’s former interns, Brett McCracken, has just authored the cover story for the most recent issue of Christianity Today. He addresses what he calls “Hipster Christianity,” a new label for one post-modern version of Christianity that is currently in vogue. It can be found on Christianity Today. What happens, he
A Rattling of Sabers
Dr. Greg Bourgond just released A Rattling of Sabers, the book that he wrote while at The Kilns as a Scholar-in-Residence in 2009. If you would like to purchase it through Amazon.com, while helping the C.S. Lewis Foundation to earn a referral percentage, click here. Here is the description of the book: Men – it
Lori Tischler – What Vacation with a Purpose Meant to Me
Our friend and Southwest Regional Retreat alumna, Lori Tischler, sent us a message recently about how much her 2010 Vacation with a Purpose experience meant to her. She kindly gave us permission to share it with you: My eyes are tearing up with a heart full of the richness and depths of God’s goodness as I savor the delicious