It is with deep sadness that we pass along news of the passing of the Rev. Scott Irvin. Those of you who have joined us at Camp Allen anytime in the last eight years will remember this warm, gregarious, and gentle man with his ready smile and his twinkling eyes. While we rejoice that he
A Word of Grace – May 23, 2011
"You are what you eat," is a saying with many attributions. Its truth is undeniable. What we eat directly affects our physical, mental and spiritual well-being. God called Moses to commune with him on Mount Sinai. The people wouldn't come with him, afraid they would die if they drew near to God. "You go find out what God wants and then speak to us and we will listen." So Moses hiked up alone and the first thing God told him on that trip up the mountain was "You should not make gods of silver along side me, nor shall you make for yourselves gods of gold" (Ex 20:18-23). When Moses came back he told the people all the instructions for them that God had given on the mountain. He described the terms of God's covenant with them and the requirements for worshipful obedience.
New York Times Article on C.S. Lewis’s Legacy Mentions C.S. Lewis College
A March 4 New York Times piece by Mark Oppenheimer discusses C.S. Lewis’s ongoing legacy. While the focus is on the publication of HarperOne’s recent C.S. Lewis Bible, Oppenheimer also writes about the recent sales boom in Lewis books and briefly mentions C.S. Lewis College and the recent discovery of Lewis’s translation of the Aeneid.
New Narnia Movie Possibility
Walden Media’s Michael Flaherty (recently added to the list of Oxbridge speakers) has confirmed that Walden and Fox are in talks to make a new Narnia movie, a follow up to last winter’s Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Interestingly, the book they are considering for adaptation is not The Silver Chair (the next book that Lewis
New Speakers Announced for this Summer!
More speakers are being added to the C.S. Lewis Summer Institute seemingly every week, as the event at Oxbridge is drawing ever closer. The complete list of speakers, preachers, and workshop leaders is below. Check out our website for more information on Oxbridge, and remember that it is not too late to register! You can