A Word of Grace – October 26, 2009

Please note that the content and viewpoints of Mr. Hansen are his own and are not necessarily those of the C.S. Lewis Foundation. We have not edited his writing in any substantial way and have permission from him to post his content. —————————————————————————– Dear Friends: We come to the end of this fourteen-part series on

Special Performance of The Screwtape Letters Near San Francisco

The C.S. Lewis Society of California cordially invites you to a special performance of With a special post-show conversation with Actor Max McLean and Director Jeffrey Fiske Starring Max McLean as His Abysmal Sublimity Screwtape With Karen Eleanor Wight as Toadpipe, Screwtape’s personal secretary Adapted for the Stage by Jeffrey Fiske and Max McLean Directed

Brett McCracken Travels for Research on his Book Project about “Christian Hipsters”

Brett McCracken, one of our dear friends and former C.S. Lewis Foundation Intern and Conference Registrar, is currently writing a book about Christian “hipsters” and is taking a research/writing trip to New York City, London, Oxford and Paris, including a short stay at The Kilns as part of the Scholars-in-Residence program.  Here’s an excerpt from