November is an important month in the life of C.S. Lewis – he was born November 29, 1898, and died November 22, 1963. For his milestone eleventy-first birthday this year (Bilbo Baggin’s birthday in the opening chapters of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings), the C.S. Lewis Foundation salutes CS Lewis and may his legacy stay
Congratulations to Matthew Goddard
Matthew Goddard, our 2006 Conference Services Intern, has just started a new position at California Baptist University as Digital Services Librarian. Some of you may know Matthew from our 2006 C.S. Lewis Summer Institute at Williams College. After interning with us, he went on to earn two Master’s Degrees – one in English Literature,
My Work Here is Done
Reprinted with permission from Brett McCracken’s blog The Search It’s amazing what a week of focus, peace, quiet and no distractions can do for a writer. Being at the Kilns this past week has been that for me, and it’s paid off. I wrote two whole chapters in my book (I am now two chapters
What Does “Mere Christianity” Look Like?
Reprinted with permission from Brett McCracken’s blog The Search “It is at her centre, where her truest children dwell, that each communion is really closest to every other in spirit, if not in doctrine. And this suggests that at the centre of each there is a something, or a Someone, who against all divergencies of
Rare Edition of The Last Battle Found by Charity Volunteers
A rare 1956 first edition of C.S. Lewis’ novel, The Last Battle, was recently found by two volunteers at the National Trust’s second-hand bookshop in Mottisfont, England. Volunteers Christine and Robert Williams were sorting through a delivery of donations to the bookstore when they came across the book. It will be up for auction at