As a follow up to my previous post “Is There Anything Redeemable About Spam?” I want to share a news story I ran across today in the Chronicle of Higher Education. The article describes two brothers, college students, who are being indicted for a massive spam operation. Apparently, they designed software to gather student e-mail
Children’s Library Uses Narnia Theme
Cathy Crow, one of our friends and an alumnus of several of our conferences, including Oxbridge 2008, recently sent us an article describing her church’s creation of a Narnia themed library. Cathy, a professional librarian, spearheaded the project, and is featured in the article. We thank the Columbia Metropolitan magazine, author Susan Fuller Slack, and
Is There Anything Redeemable about Spam?
For those of you expecting a long rant about the negative aspects of technological spam – about the annoyance of it, the wasted time spent on it, its contribution to the evils of the world, and its negative impact on the environment (yes, spam is not green – see an article about it here and