Lancia E. Smith, our official photographer and close friend, just posted a new slideshow presentation of photos from our 2011 C.S. Lewis Summer Institute. Amazing, isn’t it? Make sure you visit her website and find out more about her photography and philosophy! Here’s how she described it on her blog: The C.S. Lewis Foundation
Summer Institute at Oxbridge
Till We Have Faces: Playing in San Diego – This Week Only
For those of you in the Southern California area, we would like to announce that Lamb’s Players Theatre is currently performing its 1 week run of Till We Have Faces, which they originally presented this summer in Cambridge, England, at our C.S. Lewis Summer Institute. We greatly encourage you to attend this performance of what
“The Eternal C.S. Lewis: Now More Than Ever”
Oxbridge 2011 alumnus, Tom O’Boyle, has just written an article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette describing his experience this summer visiting the places in Oxford that are connected to C.S. Lewis’s life and faith. Here’s an excerpt of “The Eternal C.S. Lewis: Now More Than Ever”: Lewis’ change of heart was so dramatic as to suggest
Lancia Smith’s Oxbridge Photos
Lancia E. Smith came to Oxbridge as our professional photographer, and she took what seem to be thousands of extraordinary pictures. She has put up many of her favorites on her website, and has also written an article about the conference. Check them out to see what the conference was like!
Looking Back, Looking Ahead – by Dr. Holly Ordway
The 2011 C.S. Lewis Summer Institute at Oxbridge ended last week, and we could not be happier with the way everything unfolded. As a way of reflecting on the conference as a whole, we will run another blog post by Dr. Holly Ordway, borrowed (with her permission) from her website Hieropraxis. Photos were taken by