Kevin Belmonte, one of the C.S. Lewis Foundation’s great friends and frequent collaborators, wrote an acclaimed biography of the abolitionist hero William Wilberforce in 2007. Now, this year, one of the most widely-acclaimed audio book readers in the world, Simon Vance, (noted for his readings of “The King’s Speech,” and works by G.K. Chesterton, C.S.
Summer Institute at Oxbridge
Top 9 Books to Read for Oxbridge 2011
The C.S. Lewis Foundation presents the essential reading list for the 2011 C.S. Lewis Summer Institute at Oxbridge. Based on our conference theme of "Paradigms of Hope: Transcending Chaos and Transforming Culture," these are the books that registrants should acquaint themselves with. They can be found through our bookstore, powered by Amazon (the C.S. Lewis Foundation receives a percentage of the proceeds from purchases made through our bookstore).
New Speakers Announced for this Summer!
More speakers are being added to the C.S. Lewis Summer Institute seemingly every week, as the event at Oxbridge is drawing ever closer. The complete list of speakers, preachers, and workshop leaders is below. Check out our website for more information on Oxbridge, and remember that it is not too late to register! You can
Watch Our New Oxbridge Summer Institute Video!
Our friend Ralph Linhardt of Theophany Films has recently made a new video, compiled from footage he shot during Oxbridge 2008. It features interviews and endorsements from speakers and attendees of the event. You can view it below.
C.S. Lewis Meets Sigmund Freud
In 1939, Sigmund Freud was living out his last days in England, essentially a refugee from his native Austria, where the rise of Nazism made life there unsafe. One day, Freud was visited by a much younger Oxford professor, whose identity is unknown. Could it have been C.S. Lewis? That is the premise for the