For many summers, I served at C.S. Lewis’s home, “The Kilns,” during our C.S. Lewis Summer Seminars with three wonderful women. Kate Simcoe died of brain cancer in 2012. Debbie Haney died of dementia a few years ago. And, this morning, I learned the last of our beloved troop, Tammy Rowan Cox, bravely passed away yesterday from cancer.
Sadly, each of them were much younger than me. They were such dear and loving souls. At The Kilns, they shared the room upstairs that the evacuee children shared during WWII. I always had my own room downstairs. I would often, in the evening, before heading out to the pub, hear them laughing and enjoying each other’s company after a day of hard work.
And, it was hard work. For more than ten years we would leave our understanding spouses and gather each summer to spend over a month sharing The Kilns with a growing number of Lewis pilgrims. It was our special call to ministry. And they doted on me. Each was a sister in a way I can’t completely explain. We loved each other.
Kate was Greek Orthodox, Debbie was Baptist, Tammy was Roman Catholic, and I am Anglican. We were unified in our life in Christ. And, we loved each other in a special way that only unity in Christ can bring.
We share a bond that will continue in eternity.
God bless them.
Kim Gilnett
Dear Kim,
My time at the Kilns is one of the highlights of my life, and I’m so sorry to hear the news.
Your tribute is fitting for three lovely women.
Bless you, always,