Dear Friends, We might have had the Messiah come to fight the bad guys, settle the scores of good and evil and put things right once and for all. Our stories, plays, movies and political rhetoric express the desire for a strong hero. It was prophesied of Jesus Christ that he would upend the proud
A Word of Grace – December 20, 2016
Dear Friends, Heaven and earth came together on the night of Jesus’ birth in a dramatic manner not experienced since the earliest days of recorded history. Shepherds tending their sheep in the fields outside of Bethlehem were confronted by q shining angel with a message that God the Messiah had come to earth as a
A Word of Grace – December 14, 2016
Dear Friends: I learned to sign my name from my father. Poor motor control gave me a shaky childhood scrawl that embarrassed me. I would see Dad’s name on documents around the house and was awed by the beauty of his signature. His “H” uncurled from it’s initial upstroke into a long roller-coaster plunge and
A Word of Grace – December 6, 2016
Dear Friends, The people who walked in great darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness– on them the light has shined. You have multiplied the nation, You have increased its joy, they rejoice before You as with joy at the harvest as people exult when dividing plunder.
A Word of Grace – November 28, 2016
Dear Friends, It was a horrible day. Word had arrived of a plane crash that destroyed nearly two generations of a family, young children and their parents, closely associated with our university community. There were the usual questions — what do we tell the reporters that are calling and who should tell them? The sun