Dear Friends, This is the tenth in a series of messages on the events and people significant to my spiritual life and growth as a follower of Jesus Christ. I write these messages a flawed man who has discovered grace. I am sharing the discovery in the hope and prayer you will go look for
A Word of Grace – July 13, 2015
Dear Friends, This is the eighth message in a series on the spiritual milestones of my life. It is my prayer my stories will stir you to think and pray about the experiences where God has shaped your faith. I am sorry about the length. A team of physicians, hospital administrators, and an engineer traveled
A Word of Grace – July 6, 2015
Dear Friends, This is the seventh message in the series on the persons and events God has used to transform my life. These stories are shared to encourage you in your own walk with the Lord. The reader response to this series has been significant and moving. I am grateful my stories of God’s love
A Word of Grace – June 30, 2015
Dear Friends, This is the sixth message in a series on my spiritual life. It is my hope and prayer that these messages will stir readers to consider their own walk with Jesus and the milestones of experience along the way. This week’s message is two stories about experiences with my Dad, late in his
A Word of Grace – June 23, 2015
Dear Friends, This is the fifth message in a series on the key events, people and relationships in my spiritual growth. I write about grace because I need it. My hope and prayer is these messages will stir you to thought and gratitude about the people and experiences God has used to bless you along