Professor Holly Ordway is a frequent participant in C.S. Lewis Foundation events, and has been a friend of ours for a long time. She recently wrote a post on her blog detailing her recent trip to C.S. Lewis College. You can read it on her own blog by following this link. With her permission, we are reposting it here:
Holly Ordway
Holly Ordway’s Inspiration at Camp Allen
For a CS Lewis fan, what could be better than three days holed up in a beautiful retreat center in the Texas piney woods, sharing in fellowship and conversation with like-minded folks? Answer: nothing!
Rather than walk through all the events of a very, very busy four days (I arrived on the Thursday and left on the Sunday), I will pull out a few highlights of the 2010 CS Lewis Retreat, starting with Malcolm Guite and ending with the C.S. Lewis College!