Priestly Poets: Donne and Southwell as Writers for God

Works Consulted

Abrams, M. H., ed. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1993.

Carballo, Robert. “The Incarnation as Paradox and Conceit in Robert Southwell’s Poetry.” American Benedictine Review 43:3 (Sept 1992): 223-232.

Elsky, Martin. “History, Liturgy, and Point of View in Protestant Meditative Poetry.” Studies in Philology 77 (1980): 67-83.

Janelle, Pierre. Robert Southwell the Writer: A Study in Religious Inspiration. Mamaroneck: Appel, 1971.

Maurer, Warren R. “Spee, Southwell, and the Poetry of Meditation.” Comparative Literature 15 (1963): 15-22.

Sherwood, Terry G. “Conversion Psychology in John Donne’s Good Friday Poem.” Harvard Theological Review 72 (1979): 101-122.

Sullivan, Ceri. “Donne’s Sifted Soul.” Notes and Queries 42:3 (Sept 1995): 345-346.

White, Helen C. “Southwell: Metaphysical and Baroque.” Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern Literature 61 (1964): 159-168.