Afternoon Seminars

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2014 C.S. Lewis Summer Conference, July 21-31, 2014, Oxford & Cambridge, England

 Afternoon Seminars & Workshops

As part of the afternoon program, conferees may choose from any of the Afternoon Electives. Most seminars & workshops span the entire conference (in four sessions), similar to a “track” at other events.*

Each registrant selects either:

  • one seminar or workshop which spans both cities (four sessions), OR
  • one Oxford-only seminar/workshop (two sessions) + one Cambridge-only seminar/workshop (two sessions), for a total of four sessions.

Please note that if an afternoon elective choice does not meet minimum sign-ups, it is subject to cancellation.

Full Conference Electives

FC-01Creative Writing WorkshopDavis Bunn
FC-02Dante and the VirtuesDiana Pavlac Glyer
FC-03Business & Leadership Seminar:
Living Virtuously in the World
of Business
Keith Whitney
FC-04C.S. Lewis 101Andrew Lazo
FC-05Sketching Workshop CLOSEDGail Ward
FC-06Mere EducationMark Pike
FC-07Virtue and Human Flourishing in the Great Books Gayne Anacker & Francis

 One City – Oxford

OX-01Narnia & the Virtues of
Michael Ward
OX-02Pursuit of Virtues in
Tolkien’s World CANCELLED
Debbie Higgens
OX-03Imaginative Apologetics CLOSEDHolly Ordway
OX-04The Classical Virtues &
Louis Markos
OX-05The Place of Doubt &
Questioning in the Virtuous
Matthew Anderson
OX-06Cultural Engagement & Flourishing:
Case Studies of Creative Leaders CLOSED
Cherie Harder

One City – Cambridge

CM-01Poetry WorkshopMalcolm Guite
CM-02C.S. Lewis RememberedKim Gilnett
CM-03Jane Austen: Novelist
of Virtue
Melanie Jeschke
CM-04Women and Human Flourishing
Kelly Monroe
CM-05From Gospel to Glory: The Pastor &the Pursuit of Godly VirtuesKevin Dibbley

*Please note that afternoon seminar listings are subject to change. Also note that if an afternoon elective choice does not meet minimum sign-ups, it is subject to cancellation.