2024 Academic Roundtable Call for Papers

Academic faculty, scholars, and graduate students are invited to apply for participation in the Academic Roundtable, part of the Faculty Forum element of the conference.

Faculty from diverse disciplines will share their papers with each other, offering insights and critical comments from their respective vantage points.

Call for Papers

Theme Statement: Despite cultural and political tensions there is a prevailing longing for both Beauty and Justice. How do these two important concepts relate? Can Beauty be reduced to biological or purely emotive features of human experience? Can Justice be reduced to utility or power? Is there a basis for the “common good?” Can either Beauty or Justice be pursued without truth or goodness or practical wisdom? Can the desires of isolated individuals driven by diverse passions be an adequate basis for a common goodness that lends credence to our longing for beauty and justice? This conference will explore these questions and others in a dialogical nexus linking visual art, music, drama, philosophical, and theological themes.

Academic Roundtable: The Academic Roundtable is a cross-disciplinary setting in which thinkers are able to present well-written and carefully documented papers that explore the theme of the conference. Professors and graduate students from all disciplines are invited to submit abstracts for consideration.

Parameters: Papers must wrestle with the themes of the conference as arising in specific disciplines of study or across disciplines. Utilization of materials developed by the Inklings or writers influenced by the Inklings will also be considered. Paper presentations will be limited to 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of “questions and answers.” This limits the length of the papers to about eleven (11) double-spaced pages. The Academic Roundtable takes the place of the two Saturday afternoon optional Breakout sessions. As a participant in the Academic Roundtable, you are choosing to be present for all the paper presentations enabling a robust and respectful  cross-disciplinary discussion.

Submission deadline extended to August 1, 2024.

To submit, include:

  • CV of author
  • 100 to 300 word Abstract of the paper to be presented
  • Title of the paper

Review Process:  All abstracts will be peer reviewed, and notification of participation status submitted to authors by August 15, 2024. If financial support from an educational institution is necessary for conference participation, then please indicate in the submission the required deadlines for an expedited response by reviewers.

More details about the conference will be posted shortly at www.cslewis.org and www.cslewisstudycenter.org.

Submit Abstract and CV by email to Scott B. Key, PhD (Vice President of Academic Initiatives at the C. S. Lewis Study Center).