Breakout Session 1 (Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
A Cloud of Creative Witnesses: A Celebration of Our Creative Heritage
Terry Glaspey – (this session is also for nonwriters) Any creative (writer, painter, musician, etc.) who wants to reflect their faith in their work is part of a rich heritage of Christian creatives. With a multi-media presentation we’ll explore and celebrate some of the great artists, musicians, and writers who have gone before us, and embrace our place in the continuing cultural conversation about faith.
Leadership Lessons from C.S. Lewis and Elwin Ransom
Crystal Hurd – Leadership is no longer an idea reserved for pastors and CEOs. Individuals can discover the power to influence others and ultimately change lives.
In both his life and in his fiction, Lewis gives us models of what it means to be a transformational leader. In this session, we’ll explore the transformational aspects of Lewis’ leadership in order to apply those lessons to our own lives. We will investigate both Lewis’ own life as well as the fictional development of leadership through the character of Elwin Ransom in the Space Trilogy.
C.S. Lewis College Foundation Great Books Session – ‘Euthyphro’ by Plato
Scott Key, Facilitator – Come join us as we discuss Plato’s short dialogue Euthyphro in a Great Books style roundtable session! Explore deep questions together about the nature of holiness, justice, and knowledge in this ancient work that still holds relevance for us today.
Note: Please read this important dialogue before you come to Camp Allen. The text is our teacher as we gather to engage these important questions. You may find it online for free at If you have an e-reader, you can download a free version at
Confirming C.S. Lewis Quotations
William O’Flaherty – Can you believe all quotations attributed to Lewis online (or even quoted in other books) are actually by him? This breakout will breakdown some of the most common expressions alleged to be by Lewis and reveal if he actually wrote and if he didn’t, then who did (if it is known).
Joy: Poet, Seeker, and the Woman Who Captivated C.S. Lewis
Abigail Santamaria, with Lancia Smith interviewing – Interview session with Abigail Santamaria on her book Joy: Poet, Seeker, and the Woman Who Captivated C. S. Lewis.
Breakout Session 2 (Saturday, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.)
Panel on Women & C.S. Lewis
Facilitated by Scott Key, with panelists Carolyn Curtis, Mary Pomroy Key, Devin Brown, Crystal Hurd, Andrew Lazo, Kasey Mascenti, and Steven Elmore – Sexism in Narnia? Or Screwtape? Or among the Inklings? Critics make such accusations about C.S. Lewis – and gender is a highly relevant topic in the 21st Century. How did Lewis treat girls and women in his personal life and in his literature? Did he take a high view of females or was he a misogynist, as some critics claim?
This panel discussion is based on the new book from Lion Hudson of Oxford: Women and C.S. Lewis: What his life and literature reveal for today’s culture. Panelists include the editors, Carolyn Curtis and Mary Pomroy Key, plus several of the book’s contributors, all delving into specific aspects of these accusations, including naming the accusers. Scott Key will moderate by asking questions of the panelists and fielding queries/comments from the audience.
Where are the Storytellers?
Bob Bennett – Bob Bennett makes the case that “stories” are literally missing-in-action in today’s modern and post-modern church gatherings. He argues this ought not to be. How can storytelling inform and broaden the songwriter’s palette in creating worship music?
C.S Lewis: Humility as a Synonym for Honesty
Jerry Root – C. S. Lewis wrote: “If anyone would like to acquire humility, I can, I think, tell him the first step. The first step is to realise that one is proud. And a biggish step, too. At least, nothing whatever can be done before it.” [Mere Christianity. Bk. III, Chapt. 8, paragraph 14, P. 114.]
So how might one begin the process of ferreting out pride and moving towards humility? Lewis also stated that he thought pride was the great sin. Is Lewis right? Or is the great sin something else? What does it mean to be truly humble?
This session will explore these questions so that we may discover the meaning of humility and what it means for our lives as Christians.
Gospel and Culture: Good News for Cultural Transformation
Randy Steele – Like the New Testament Church, we live in a pluralistic society where it is difficult to share the truth about Jesus Christ when people hold to their own definitions of “truth.” Yet people recognize that there is more to life than they are experiencing. In this breakout session we will explore principles from the New Testament that will help connect naturally curious minds from different cultures to a more fulfilling life in Jesus Christ. This seminar may be of particular interest to those who would like to discover ways to share God’s good news with inquisitive individuals living within diverse cultures.
A Writers Disciplines
Melanie Stiles – Writing flows out of the passion and fire within. A moment of creativity seizes a writer and fingers begin to pound out masterpieces on a laptop. OR IS THAT REALLY HOW IT HAPPENS? We often assume great things are done by those who were blessed with natural talent, genius or skill. But, how many great things are done by people who simply made the decision to realize their fullest potential? Every true writer has one commonality with every other writer, but it’s not necessarily style, technique or vocabulary. It is the development of writer’s disciplines. In this interactive session, we will be sifting through the core disciplines every writer needs. Leave the session with a personalized action plan for your own writing journey!
C.S. Lewis College Foundation Great Books Session – Excerpt from The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
David Rozema, Facilitator – Come join us as we discuss an excerpt from Dostoyevksy’s novel The Brothers Karamazov in a Great Books style roundtable session!
Note: Please read this excerpt before you come to Camp Allen. The text is our teacher as we gather to engage these important questions. You may find it as a pdf for free here: The Brothers Karamazov selection. If you have an e-reader, you can download a free version at
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